Sunday, February 18, 2007


Aaaarghhhhhhh!!!..... I'm without my broadband internet connection!

This week has been pretty frustrating. Apart from spending the first half of it down with 'flu, to top it off my router has gone kapput and i have to wait till my internet service provider send out a replace... which could be a late as the end of the month :(

How frustrating is this?! In the meantime i'm back to dial-up connection, and just quick check-ins on the shop and email, so i may not be posting for a week or so. Hopefully things'll sort sooner than expected :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you get your internet sorted soon- it's sooo frustrating to go back to dial-up when you're so used to super-quickness.
I'm sending you super-quick-internet bringing vibes! Hope they help!
(In the mean time though.. much more time for crafting! haha!)