I've been tagged for the Etsy European Street Team!!!
I seem to have left my blog a little bit abandoned these last few weeks :( And in my absence I've been TAGGED by both Wapita and PaperFlowerGirl of the newly formed European STreet Team over at Etsy.One of the things i love about Etsy is the community, and the "Street Teams" are a large part of this. There are many established Street TEams already, each set-up and coordinated by Etsy members with similar products or origins, that all work together to promote their segment of the marketplace.
Just recently there has been talk of setting up a Europe-wide Street Team, what with the number of shops growing daily throughout the "old continent"... and no sooner said than done things are well on their way thanks to a number of dedicated ETsyiers!
To find out more about the Etsy shops around Europe, check out the newly created European Street Teams blog where each shop is listed by country!!
Now to get on with my homework! Lets see, i have to reveal 5 little known facts about myself.... can i come up with the whole 5??
1) I'm extremely clumsey, and have broke BOTH my little toes - on different occasions - thanks to my "torpeza" and my addiction to wearing flip-flops when it gets warm. I still wear flip-flops ;P
2) I'm scared of flying, which is not a good thing when living "abroad" :(
3) I used to play the piano, the cello, and later on the guitar.... now i just play with my computer ;P
4) I've read ALL the Harry Potter books, and am eagerly awaiting the release of the new one!
5) I used to have a motorbike (500cc!) until i had an accident and got scared so sold it.
There you go. Nothing extremely groundbreaking here I'm afraid.... but now you all know me just a little bit more ;P
Thanks for the homework girlies! Now to pass-on the good deed :)
I tag -and i'm sure they've been tagged before, so 5 MORE things (?) - these ETsy members :
... I hope they don't mind taking on the challenge!
I can relate to the beeing clumsey. Never broke my toes, though :)
i broke my toes when i was a children... and now i touch wood!! se puede decir eso en ingles? :)
thanks for tagggg
thanks for the tag!!!!! Very nice of you!!!
Lots os kisses!!! xxx
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